Also, in France, people put butter on sandwiches, the way we'd put mayo or mustard on sandwiches. It was a big surprise, biting into my sandwich at lunch today and getting a mouth-full of butter. Though apparently this isn't completely uncommon in the US. My friend Erick says that he uses butter on sandwiches when he hasn't got any other condiments.
In other, non-food oriented subjects, class is going well. I feel kind of stupid sometimes, because it seems the more we go over passe compose vs. imparfait, the worse I get. I take heart in knowing that I'm not the only one who has problems with this. And we went over this already! We spent two of the three weeks in the crash course on the same topic. It gets really boring sometimes, but in a class so small, it's hard to let your mind wander without getting caught. It was really gray and dreary today, and the forecast calls for more rain tomorrow and Saturday. I suspect that the weather is going to get steadily chillier as the month goes on. The sun came out for a little bit in the afternoon, though. Not that I saw much of it. I took a glorious nap. I sleep a lot here. Trying to use French all the time is exhausting. I think I'll make an early night of it. I fell asleep listening to my iPod last night, and woke up in the middle of the night wondering what was on my head---my headphones, of course. As is rapidly becoming my custom, I shall end the post with yet another photograph, this time of a sign I saw in Puy-en-Velay, for a "WC canin". A WC is a "water closet", or toilet, and canin obviously refers to "canine" or "dog", so I'm assuming it's some sort of toilet for dogs? I have no idea. It was truly bizarre.
1 comment:
Corinne, you make me so happy! I absolutely love the dog potty picture. Very funny!
Hope the verb confusion gets better for you. I don't know much about French, but I do know that everyone hates imparfait/passe compose. Ganbatte ne. I mean, bon chance. >.<
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