After class, I ate in the cafe instead of the Resto-U. I think the prices are just as good, and the food is better at the cafe. I may start eating there more often. I got a steak-frites and a coke, and it was absolutely delicious. Then I went to the bank, where I finally picked up my bank card. I also went to the Centre-Deux to go grocery shopping and to buy a uniform for Aikido. Of course, I accidentally grabbed the wrong size (I HATE CENTIMETERS!), so I'll have to see if they'll let me exchange it.
Tonight, instead of going to Taekwondo like I normally do, I went to rock-climbing with some of the friends I've made here. It was a good experience, and I'm glad I went, but I think I'm gonna stick with Taekwondo. I am not at all fond of heights. I tend to panic if I get more than five feet off the ground. The only nice thing about rock-climbing is that it lets out earlier than taekwondo, so dinner doesn't have to be as late. Speaking of dinner, I have no idea what I'm going to eat. I bought some samosas at Auchan, but I don't have any oil to fry them in, and the packaging suggests NOT making them in the microwave. I'll probably just fix a sandwich, and drink some more of the wonderful Auchan-brand version of Orangina. So I'll do that, and maybe start on the essay that's due thursday. Or I'll watch a movie. Who knows. I shall leave you with a picture of the view outside my dorm's kitchen:
My. That's extremely picturesque. Is it still so lovely once you get out onto the streets?
You know, it's almost so picturesque that one might suspect they don't even have winters. Because the snow would cover up the lovely red roofs. Yeah. They probably voted winter out so they could remain a tourist attraction. Kinda like those beaches in Florida with the lovely white sand, which, after hurricanes, has to be dredged up from sand deposits on the ocean floor and put onto the beaches. Seriously.
Also, manganese was used as an excuse for a dastardly and ridiculous scheme. Seriously. The US government declared that we were facing a shortage of manganese and needed more right away, so they built two ships with claw-things to pick up manganese-rich stones from the ocean floor. And Russian submarines, so they could take their weapons and use the code books to gain an advantage in the Cold War. And the horrible part is that they did catch a submarine. But right before they got it up it slipped and broke in half and all the Russians died.
I am learning so much in oceanography. Oh, and I think I may have discovered the basic mechanism for creating a perpetual motion device: magnets. But probably it's already been tried, so I'll have to look and see. But really, I feel like you should be able to do a lot with magnets. Like, make a magnetic ring and put something with the opposite polar attraction in, and it will bounce around forever. Maybe. There is the issue that it might simply sit in the center and quiver in fear, but I'm sure it can be solved. Somehow. Probably.
Oh, and in your settings, would you mind terribly turning off the option that makes us write a string of letters in before we comment? I, at least, am not a spam-bot, I assure you. Though possibly others are. Maybe you should ask them, just to be sure.
Wow, what a view! Goodness.
Glad to hear your classes went well. Good luck on finding some good food! I'm having the same problems--getting stuck in a rut, spending way too much, etc.
And I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't buy clothes--I have no idea what my shoe size is, much less what size pants I wear. Probably, though, if I bought like 4XL it would fit; all the girls here are so teeny.
Oh, and Alex, thanks for being a perpetual font of obscure but fascinating information. So we claw-machined a Russian sub? That sucks.
What's the homework load going to be like, compared to BU?
You guys should be able to find size conversion charts online. Or, if you have sneakers, on the tongues. For instance, my shoe is sizes 11, 9, 43, and 28 all at the same time. Possibly it's an inter-dimensional shoe.
But yes, you should be able to find size charts at least for shoes, and maybe for clothes as well.
Homework seems light so far, as compared to BU, but I dunno. I have three hours of French every day, so we can get a good amount done in class.
And Alex, the streets are fairly picturesque, except for the dog crap. I really hate the dog crap. I love the architecture here. And I dunno how to turn of the bot-detector. I am a sad excuse for a human, I know.
And the stupid uniform was mislabeled. Not my fault. I looked up how tall I was, and what size I needed in advance. Weird, eh?
How annoying that it was mislabeled!
To turn off the bot detector, go to the Blogger homepage. In the area where it gives you the option of making a new post or editing old ones, you can also click a link called settings. It will take you to the basic settings page, where you'll be able to do such things as put a name and description for your blog. Above the "title" option there's a small bar of various things: basic, publishing, formatting comments, etc. Click on comments. Click on comments, scroll down, and towards the bottom you'll see the option that says "Show word verification for comments?". If you do want to stop the bot detector, click the no button and save.
Hope that helps. Even if you don't want to turn off the CAPTCHA, you'll be able to mess around with plenty of stuff.
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